That alone could make Mitt a Mexican citizen with full rights.
It has to be noted that any official Mexican guide for "paisanos"( Mexicans who live in America) now seem to have been written with Romney's father in mind: "Dear Paisano: If you are Mexican and have children born in the United States, by registering them in any Mexican consulate they will have dual nationality."
In fact, according to a report by NBC's "Rock Center with Brian Williams"Mitt Romney has deep roots in Mexico, including his second cousin Leighton Romney and about 40 other relatives descended from religious pioneers who first traveled to Mexico 125 years ago. The Romneys of Mexico actually live in Colonia Juarez and Colonia Dublan, two remaining settlements just 175 miles south of the border. They stated they support the candidate and are proud of their family history. Romney has never visited them.
"He's got a great pioneer heritage starting with people that crossed the plains going from Illinois to Utah, and then on from Utah down to Mexico," Leighton Romney told NBC's Mike Taibbi. "So there's a great heritage there of people that had to fight for what they believed in and for people that had to travel to different places and learn different things. I think there's a vast amount of experience that he could draw from there."
It has to be mentioned that Mitt Romney never considered himself Mexican. He has not opened up about this part of his life.
The Romneys are Mexican since Miles Park Romney crossed the border in 1884, rejecting the Edmund Act that in 1882 declared polygamy a felony.
In 1890, the Mormon Church (LDS) disavowed plural marriage.
According to an AP story, Miles married his fifth wife seven years later. His own father had 12 wives.
In 1912, Mitt grandfather's Gaskell Romney returned to the U.S. fleeing the Mexican Revolution. The Romney family's genealogy page claims he lost all his "home and possessions" there. But the family later filed a lawsuit against the Mexican government and was awarded damages in 1938. This seed money "put the family on a solid financial footing." The fact that his father was then a sort of Mexican immigrant didn't prevent George from becoming CEO of American Motors and the governor of Michigan.
This is undoubtedly relevant considering that among all Republican candidates in the 2012 election cycle, as well as in 2008, Mitt Romney has been the one who regularly argued against immigration reform and for the swift deportation of all undocumented immigrants in the United States. He also criticized the suggestion by another conservative candidate, Newt Gingrich, to legalize those immigrants who have lived here for decades who "go to church and pay their taxes" as "Amnesty".
But, his Mexican past was never a secret. The truth is that not everybody knew it. Now, in the heat of the the debates between the GOP candidates, Romney's Mexican father turns out to be exclusive news. It gives someone the impression that a terrible family secret was suddenly revealed.
All of a sudden, there is an interview with distant cousin Leighton Romney, who still lives in Colonia Dublan, 175 miles south of the Mexican.
"We certainly have a love for both countries," Leighton Romney told NBC. "I can sing both national anthems and tear up at both of them. I think that having two countries that you love and two countries that you can serve or be a beneficiary of their service is a great thing."
This also happened to President Obama. Just because Obama's father was from Kenya, Barack was not fit to rule America.
Question: Why should someone's nationality be a crucial factor for becoming the next President of the US? From since when someone should feel ashamed of his roots?
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