Brigitte Nielsen after her plastic surgery showed her amazing makeover as she arrived at "West End club Dolce" with her boyfriend Massi Detti for the "Fashion Police" party.
Nielsen had in the 80's a well-toned body, but in 2008 over two million Germans tuned in to watch the ex-wife of Sylvester Stallone rejuvenate her aged body with an extreme plastic surgery program - all on television.
Brigitte reportedly underwent liposuction on her thighs, Botox treatment and a breast reduction.
Brigitte stated then: "I know I am the first female celebrity in the world who has allowed herself to be filmed like that in an operating theatre. I know I will be breaking a taboo. But I’m sure that it will provoke a new discussion. It’s time things change. I feel 30 and want to look that way again."
According to celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Anthony Youn "Brigitte apparently underwent liposuction on her thighs, Botox, and a breast reduction. The after plastic surgery photos reveal that the 44 year old ex-wife of Sylvester Stallone looks great. I wonder if she also underwent other facial plastic surgeries, such as a browlift, facelift, and eyelid lifts? It appears that way to me."
The question is: "Why did a 44 year old celebrity age so prematurely in the first place?" The answer is quite obvious: a possible combination of the California sun, smoking, drinking, and possibly an unhealthy lifestyle.
It has to be noted that the plastic surgeon who treated Brigitte Nielsen is German plastic surgeon Gerhard Sattler.
Judging by the before and after plastic surgery photos, Brigitte is estimated to have saved at least $100,000 and clearly went to the gym for a couple of months.
According to some celebrity watchers, Brigitte has probably had eye lift, teeth implants, breast lift, breast reduction, face-lift, spot removal and liposuction.
During her stint last year on VH1's "Celebrity Rehab" with Dr. Drew, Brigitte Nielsen gave up cigarettes and alcohol and as a result "gained a lot of weight," she admits. "When I looked at myself, I felt like an old home that needed to be fixed up."
Brigitte has showed on reality tv her head-to-toe plastic surgery in June 2008, which is very brave. "A lot of women say: "I look good thanks to magic creams," but that's a joke," Brigitte was quoted as saying, explaining the reason she went public.
"On a scale of one to 10, I feel like a nine!" Brigitte reveals.
Brigitte Nielsen has honestly stated that she had the following plastic surgery procedures:
1. On her face: Nielsen claims she had a "mini-lift, just around the ears and eyelids."
2. On her breasts: Her 36C implants (which she had put in 18 years ago) were replaced with new ones and her breasts lifted "to make them look fresher."
3. On her stomach: Eight pints of fluid were removed from her belly and thighs via liposuction.
4. On her legs: Lipo (and dieting) helped Nielsen go from a size 14 to an 8.
Brigitte Nielsen's plastic surgery is definitely very successful. What do you think?
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