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Esquire: Mila Kunis "Sexiest Woman Alive"
Mila Kunis has the whole package: smart, talented, funny and smokin' hot. Esquire, however, has a different definition for the "Black Swan" star: "Sexiest Woman Alive". Kunis, 29, reveals her curves and talks everything from fame to politics to immigration in the magazine's new issue, which hits newsstands October 16.
"I think I stumbled upon doing funny things, but I'm not funny. I just know how to deliver a joke. There are people who naturally exude humor and are constantly saying funny things, and there are the people who know how to deliver a joke. It's a learned skill. Through 20 years of doing this, I practice it. I think that the second you think that you're funny is when you stop being funny" Kunis was quoted as saying.
What do you think? Is Mila Kunis the "Sexiest Woman Alive"?
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