She doesn't seem beautiful with it. The brow lift is more than comfort may be due to endoscopic browlift, her nose has been whittled down and her cheeks look like that of a blowfish.
Lil Kim gives us the impression of having had either excessive fat grafting or massive cheek implants, placed by a plastic surgeon who either wasn't aware of he or she was doing, or worse didn't bother. She used to be definitely pretty before plastic surgery. Now she represents a tragic case of plastic surgery gone wrong of a plastic surgery addict.
What Lil Kim got after her plastic surgery is what we could name an "extreme make over". Some people have a plastic surgery procedure because they want to improve their looks, but good plastic surgery doesn't change completely the image of somebody but improves it. In Lil Kim's case that clearly didn't occur...
Sadly, her face does not look the same anymore.
It looks like she got cheek implants, her nose looks even thinner, suggesting another nose job and maybe she even got a brow lift besides all those plastic surgery procedures.
Breast implants are more obvious when breasts appear large, round and firm in someone with a small frame. When women lose weight, decreasing her body fat percentage, breast also decrease in size because it is essentially fat tissue. For Lil, all the signs of breast implants can be seen, even after losing weight her breasts look almost the same in size and projection, so no doubts about that one. Anyhow, it could be interesting to know how many plastic surgeries she has gotten through the years...Lil Kim hasn't given an answer yet on plastic surgery rumors...
Celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn was quoted as saying: "Lil Kim looks like a big mess. Her face and body appear to have transformed into a different person entirely. I suspect that she’s had a lot of plastic surgery, including a nose job (or more than one) that’s thinned her nose to the proportions of a popsicle stick."
As for how many and what kind of facial surgeries Dr. Youn considers Kim has gone over board with, Youn claimed: "I suspect that she’s had a lot of plastic surgery, including a nose job (or more than one) that’s thinned her nose to the proportions of a popsicle stick. Her face appears contoured and has a waxy sheen. It appears that she’s undergone injection of fillers as well."
Youn added about Kim’s overly curvy body: "Her body is much more curvy, and could have undergone enhancement with solid silicone buttock implants. Her overall appearance makes me concerned that she has a serious body image problem."
Well, you don’t apparently need a plastic surgeon's degree to figure that one out!
It has to be mentioned that Lil Kim recently performed at the "BET Music Awards" and shocked almost everyone! Kim looks like a pieced together Janet Jackson/Nicki Minaj frankencreature, which isn’t that shocking considering all of the plastic surgery she has had, but Kim has a new addition! Looks like Lil Kim has gotten Nicki Minaj sized butt implants, which she strutted hard during her "comeback" performance of "Rip the Runway".
Not only is Lil Kim’s new butt huge (especially in comparison to the butt she was born with), but it seems like she’s also had fat injections to create bigger hips as well.
Lil Kim has a history of making awful choices when it comes to plastic surgery and no one can doubt that there is much left on her body that hasn’t been hacked up by a plastic surgeon. It all began with a nose job early in her career and Kim has not stopped having plastic surgery since. From multiple nose jobs that caused her nose to collapse, to several sets of breast implants, really bad liposuction and whatever she’s had done to her face (botox, fillers, implants, lifts, nips, tucks, etc), Lil Kim shows the signs of plastic surgery addiction.
Just for the record, Lil Kim began going under the knife in the mid 90′s, as her career as a rapper started to take off. Sadly, she never bothered to put an end and no longer looks anything like her original self. Lil Kim has had it all done, from a bad facelift to lumpy liposuction. She has even had to have her nose rebuilt after it collapsed from having too much plastic surgery.
Lil Kim has had a ridiculous amount of plastic surgery, including multiple nose jobs that have resulted in the bridge of her nose disappearing into her skull.
Well, Lil Kim has recently resurfaced with another new nose! It looks like she has had reconstructive surgery (using an implant to rebuild her nose), to fix the damage done by all the former rhinoplasty surgeries she has had.
Lil Kim is speculated to have had several bad plastic surgeries including lumpy lipo, bad breast implants, tummy tuck, cheek implants, nose job, lip augmentation, collagen injections, botox injections, blepharoplasty, face lift, skin whitening treatments, lip injections to puff up her pout etc.
Not to mention that she even wears colored contact lenses, just to add another element to the transformation... It’s safe to tell that Lil Kim is addicted to plastic surgery and has royally damaged her face and body in her quest for plastic perfection. It is no exaggeration to claim that now her face is pulled so tight that she literally looks asian.
It's sad to think that Lil Kim once made headlines for her outrageous outfits and eccentric style. Now they all discuss about her tragic transformation due to bad plastic surgery decisions. It's very hard to beleive that Lil Kim is only 38 years old.
It's hard to beleive that celebrities spend a fortune to look like this...
What do you think of Lil Kim's plastic surgery?
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