2. The stadium here in Munich is the best of the lot for me. It is absolutely fantastic, especially the way it lights up a different colour according to who is playing. It's superb.
3. I've never done any nudity, but I would do basically anything if a role called for it.
4. I wanted to start with a very small role, to get my feet wet. I'm sure I'm not as good or as experienced as other actresses, but everybody has to start somewhere.
5. I love movies, I've always been interested in them, but I wanted to wait for the right time to start acting.
6. I know one day I'll be considered too old. I think 40-year-old women actually look more healthy and fit than some girls in their 20s. I've met women who have way better bodies in their 40s because they've been working on them for all these years.
7. For me, football always meant that we came together as a family and, in the summer we played football outside.
8. But it is true that some magazines have a policy to show only a certain amount of black girls on their covers. Naomi is right. It's not fair, and I wish it would change.
9. Quentin Tarantino asked me to work with him but there is no way I am going to do that while Matthew Vaughn is working in film.
10. I actually don't meet very many men because they are, I guess, afraid to approach me or think that I'm from another planet. (on turning 30, to the German magazine "Stern")
11. It's not that I'm against nudity. I'm German, I'm very open, in Germany they lay in the park naked. It's just the principle. ((on turning down appearing in Playboy in the nude)
12. I always wanted to be less tall. When I was at school I was the same height as all of my girlfriends and then suddenly I was turning 12 and almost overnight I got really tall. I became the height I am now from one day to another... and everyone else stayed short. Boys don't want to be seen with a girl that is taller than them. It was totally isolating because I was different from my friends.
13. I used to work every single day and travel round the world. I worked weekends, I never took one second off. When I met my husband I said: "You know what, this is important. I'm not going to work weekends any more." And when I had kids, I became even more careful. Modeling work is fine because you can do one day here, two days there, you're never long gone.
14. I love being pregnant. You can do whatever you want. You don't feel guilty, because I used to feel guilty about having a day off. And, you know, something really strange happened to me. Before my pregnancies, I was someone who had to watch their weight.
15. I love wearing flat shoes, but I am not one of those girls who walks around in sweat pants and sneakers. I think I have something going on with shoes. Flat shoes. I buy them in several colors at once. High heels are for work and they have always been uncomfortable for me. I'm amazed when I see mothers wearing high heels. If your kids run off you can't run after them.
16. I just love to shock people. Yesterday my friend said: "What a great top, is it Stella?" I said: "No, it's Mango, £25." I'm never head-to-toe in anything. I like to mix things from Prada, things from Marc Jacobs. But, you know, you can spend several thousand pounds on something, wear it for one day and the button falls off. I get really pissed off when you spend so much money.
17. I love my engagement ring. It is the only thing I wear to bed!
18. At first, it felt a bit strange to have them done, but I soon got used to it. Now, I really love them and keep wondering why I waited so long to have them done. (on finally having her ears pierced)
19. The first time David sawed me in half, I did feel quite nervous. But it was a lot of fun to do, and I didn't feel a thing as he sawed through me and pulled me apart. Now, being sawed in half is definitely my favorite part of being in David's shows.
20. Thousands of people followed us to the flat when I'd been shooting for Valentino and they were singing songs to me from the pavement. I had to go on the balcony and say thank you. It was surreal. (on the reception she once received in Italy)
21. I'm not really a big jewelry person - never have been. Normally, all I wear is my wedding ring, a watch, and a small cross on a chain around my neck. Of course, now I've got pierced ears, I'll often wear earrings too, but not always. If I do, its usually a pair of diamond studs my husband gave me, although if I'm feeling especially bold, I've got some big hoops I love to wear too.
22. If there is a potential down-side to being a magician's wife, it's that your husband does keep wanting to saw you in half, stick swords through you, and that sort of thing. Fortunately, I really enjoy working with David as well as being married to him, so I don't mind at all when he does saw me in half, chop my head off or ask to do anything else like that to me.
23. There was so much press at the fashion shows that it was really difficult to get ready. I'd be in my underwear and people would be trying to take pictures from above. At Chanel they had to make a special area for me to change.
24. When my sister saw I'd had my ears pierced, she started talking about finally getting her's done too. I told her that she should, because I really love having mine done and I knew she would too, but she was really worried about it being painful. I told her not to worry, that it didn't hurt at all when I had mine pierced, and that it was all over so quickly I barely even noticed they had been done. It took her a while to decide, but she eventually had them done - Although she did insist on me going with her to give her some moral support!
25. The difference between the girls today and models of the past is that we are not only interested in fashion: we are going in so many different directions at once. We work harder - at night and on weekends. (on the modeling profession)
26. It's wonderful to be involved with such a fantastic campaign.
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