
Edie Sedgwick Quotes

1. The whole place turned into a gigantic orgy, every kind of sex freak, from homosexuals to nymphomaniacs, especially the needle and mainlining scene, losing syringes down the pool drains and blocking up the water infiltration system with broken syringes. Oh, it was really some night...Drinking, guzzling tequila, vodka, and scotch, and bourbon, and shooting up every other half-second, and just going into an incredible sexual tailspin. Gobble gobble gobble gobble. Just couldn't get enough of it. It was one of the wildest scenes I've ever been in or ever hope to be in, and I should be ashamed of myself. I'm not, but I should be. (describing the orgy scene in Ciao! Manhattan)

2. If all I cared about was me, I could make a million. And that's what they will never understand).

3. You live alone, creating your life as you go.

4. I think something very weird's going on now, 'cause the power that is permitted to youth is quite extraordinary. And they are sort of run by that kind of power.

5. It's sort of like a mockery in a way of reality because they think everything is smiles and sweetness and flowers when there is something bitter to taste. And to pretend there isn't is foolish. (on 1960's Flower Children)

6. He nearly incommunicable torments of speed, buzzerama, that acrylic high, horrorous, yodelling, repetitious echoes of an infinity so brutally harrowing that words cannot capture the devastation nor the tone of such a vicious nightmare.

7. Something very strange happened. I didn't realize I was going to say it, and I said, out loud: "I wish I was dead." And the reason I said it was the love and the beauty and the ecstasy of the whole experience was really an alien experience in a way, because I didn't even know him. It was a one-night jag. He was married and had children, and I just felt really, like, lost. It just wasn't worth living anymore because I was all alone again. (Describing the aftermath of a drug-fueled sexual encounter)

8. It was really sad - Bobby (Neuwirth)'s and my affair. The only true, passionate, and lasting love scene, and I practically ended up in the psychopathic ward. I had really learned about sex from him, making love, loving, giving. It just completely blew my mind - it drove me insane. I was like a sex slave to this man. I could make love for forty-eight hours, forty-eight hours, forty-eight hours, without getting tired. But the minute he left me alone, I felt so empty and lost that I would start popping pills.

9. Isn't that sad! I'm so fragile. It's tragic laughs. Can you believe it? That's so sad. (response to watching herself on a monitor).

10. You have to put up with the risk of being misunderstood if you are going to try to communicate. You have to put up with people projecting their own ideas, attitudes, misunderstanding you. But it's worth being a public fool if that's all you can be in order to communicate yourself.

11. You care enough, that you want your life to be fulfilled in a living way, not in a painting way, not in a writing way...you really do want it to be involving in living, corresponding with other living objects, moving, changing, that kind of thing.

12. While I was girl of the year and superstar and all that crap, everything I did was really...motivated by psychological disturbance. But Id, Id make a mask out of my face because I didn't realize I was quite beautiful...I had to wear heavy black eyelashes like bat wings and dark lines under my eyes. Cut all my hair off, my long dark hair, cut it off and strip it silver and blond. All these little manoeuvres I did out of things that were happening in my life that upset me. Id freak out in a very physical way, and...it was all taken in a fashion trend.

13. When I was with Andy Warhol I was dancing jazz ballet twice a day so i just wore my leotards and I knew I wasn't going to turn anybody on so I just trotted around in my leotards. When I went out on the street Id put on a coat. But Vogue photographed me in leotards and a t-shirt as a new costume.

14. It's not that I'm rebelling. It's that I'm just trying to find another way.

15. In the year 2000 you're going to have a problem...Leisure time will be a problem in the year 2000. I just want you to realize, I just want to make sure that you know of it now.

16. It's like my having to walk down thousands and thousands of white marble stairs...and nothing but a very very blue sky, very blue...and I'd have to walk down them forever. I never thought about going up...Don't you think that must mean something? (describing a dream to Chuck Wein)

17. I'm a little nervous about saying anything about the artist, because it kind of sticks him right between the eyes, but he deserves it. He really fucked up a great many people's, young people's lives. (on Andy Warhol)

18. The way those sons-of-bitches took advantage of me. Warhol is a sadistic faggot.

19. I can understand other people's situations in their own terms, but I still can't understand mine.

20. Why do people stop developing?...from being children to maybe stopping at a very adolescent age, and they stay there until they die. Physically die. I mean, they react adolescently. They don't change. They don't develop. They don'tit's that continual read, that process which is is the total threat for the ego.

21. Fashion as a whole is a farce, completely. The people behind it are perverted, the styles are created by freaked out people, just natural weirdos. I know this because I worked with all those people while I was modeling.

22. The colors...oh, I see the most fantastic things. Do you realize when people just close their eyes what they see? It's unbelievable. Colors and things, forms of every sort. I wonder if that happens for everybody?

23. Speed is the ultimate, all time high. That first rush. Wow! Just that burning, searing, soaring sense of perfection. There’s no way to explain it unless you’ve been through it. There’s no way to tell anyone who hasn’t tasted it. I’d like to turn the whole world on just for a moment… just for a moment. I’m greedy. I’d like to keep most of it for myself and a few others, a few of my friends. Keep that superlative high just on the cusp of each day so that I radiate sunshine.

24. I have an accident about every two years, and one day it won't be an accident.

25. It's okay - I know. (on being told by a palm reader that she had a very short life line).

26. I moved out to Santa Barbara to straighten out, supposedly, and I started using drugs, which I found were plentiful in Isla Vista, around the college campus - UCSB. And then I started rollicking around with all kinds of kids a lot younger than me. Anywhere from 15 to their 20s, but I was kind of in my late 20s. And, uh...I had fun, but I really didn't have anyone I particularly loved. And I still don't, except for loving friends, but I mean I haven't been in love with anyone in years and years. But I have a certain amount of faith that it'll come. (On coming home to California in the late 1960's).

27. Everything that happened to me has been a paradox for life. The very things that I should have done would have been the trap. The very things I might have given into, that demanded, that said, this is your life. I mean, this is your only way to survive, are the things I found hardest to end. 'Cause I believed in something else. You have to work like mad to make people understand... Even if I don't make it, you know, I really insist on believing, and then I fall off the edge because there's nobody else to follow it. And I would just fall off the edge.

28. I came to New York to see what I could see - that's from a children's book, isn't it? - and to find the living part.

29. I lived a very isolated life. When you start at 20, you have a lot of nonsense to work out of your system.

30. I had no money. My parents closed down all credit. I couldn't get any money, and they were trying to lock me up again because I'd taken some acid and told my psychiatrist about it. I just told him what the experience was like and he jumped, and at the same time he read about Andy Warhol's "pornographic" movies in Time. I was in the studio a lot, so my psychiatrist got really upset and called my parents and was gonna have me put away, so I ran away to Europe with Andy and Chuck.  (on being financially cut off from her parents in 1965)

31. I heard about this doctor who gave vitamin shots, and they were very stimulating and kept you going for quite a while. I was under treatment with vitamin therapy, just multivitamin shots. But I heard about this super deal that this other doctor had. A guy I was going out with at the time told me not to go to him, never to have his shots. So I immediately took them, thinking there must be something special about them...And there was. And I went, and that was the beginning of injecting drugs. I went to a doctor for it. I didn't handle it myself until a year later. I turned into a total speed freak for a few months. That's about as long as I could survive, and then I placed myself in the hospital.

32. They say use it, channel it. Do it, like there will be a sign, be an artist, you're so creative, do anything, you've got to do it, use it. Then, things like, and you've got to collect yourself, too. I mean, you know, make your hair more about yourself, self-respect. But I mean, ridiculous. You know why my doctor got so mad this time? He said, that scene, remember in the LSD bit, the only time I had it in that, sleeping with what's-his-name and having that sex bit go on while, it was very strange-mannered, but I certainly wasn't mortified. I mean, I humanly might be a little mortified knowing that a thousand other human beings would think it mortifying, but basically, me. So he thought that was a total lack of self-respect, which is wrong. Totally wrong.

33. I act this way because that's the way I feel like acting. If people like it, fine. If they don't, that's their problem.

34. It's not going to interfere with the film. I heal miraculously. I've been in an auto accident and another fire. They thought I'd need plastic surgery, but I haven't a scar...No, I don't think I'm accident prone, but it's strange. (referring to a house fire).

35. It was one of the most unpleasant experiences I've ever been through. Really terrifying. I lived in a big dormitory on a ward with about sixty to eighty women. We all did the mopping, cleaning, making beds, scrubbing toilets. And the people there were just so awful. Really pathetic. Some of them were mean. The staff completely ignored you except to administer medication. I thought it was never going to end. (describing Manhattan State psychiatric hospital).

36. When I started going around with Andy people thought I had a press agent. I didn't. After a while I got sort of paranoid about all the publicity, and I holed up in my apartment and cut off the telephone for two months. I saw only two people. Then I felt ready to go out again. I want to do more acting. I like it, but it's hard - the long hours, getting the lines straight, I didn't have to do that with Andy.

37. I say the word death a lot ... think of it as ... primal relations, opposite, so if I say death a lot, it means I'm concerned with life. It's true.

38. I'm out of my mind! Somebody told me that a long time ago. Some idiot! (laughs) … In a dream. I don't want to think about dreams now.

39. When I was in the hospital, I was very suicidal in a kind of blind way, I was starving to death and just 'cause I didn't want to turn out like my family showed me, you know, that's all I ever saw of people, was my own family. I wasn't allowed to associate with anyone. Oh, God. So I didn't want to live.

40. I held out pretty long before I really had an affair, but I got lots of attention from my father physically. He was always trying to sleep with me … from the age of about seven on. Only I resisted that. And one of my brothers who claimed that sisters were there for the purpose of teaching … a sister and brother should teach each other the rules and the game of making love; and I wouldn't fall for that either. I just felt, I had no reason to feel. Nobody told me that incest was a bad thing or anything, but I just didn't feel turned on by them.

41. I'd been two years locked up in hospitals. I was twenty when I got out from Bloomingdale and I met a young man from Harvard who was very attractive in a sort of Ivy league way. And we made love in my grandmother's apartment and it was terrific, it was just fabulous. That was the first time I ever made love and I had no inhibitions or anything. It was just beautiful. I didn't get my period and so I had to tell my doctor. The hospital pass was given to see if you could handle yourself outside, so I was terrified to tell him that I thought I was pregnant, but I finally did. I was pregnant … I could get an abortion without any hassle at all, just on the grounds of a psychiatric case. So that wasn't too good a first experience with lovemaking. I mean, it kind of screwed up my head, for one thing. This fellow found out. I was upset … and he asked me, and I said: "I'm pregnant. I'm not going to ask you for anything, so don't get uptight, but it's just kind of making me uncomfortable. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do about it." He split, and I didn't see him again until the summer had passed and I went to Cambridge for my first free year.   (on becoming pregnant after her first sexual experience).

42. I was just livid, out of hand. I got madder and madder as we drove along, and just as we drove by the Chelsea Hotel I did something. I've never done anything to hurt anyone, and yet I was so furious that I pressed the button and rolled down the window screen - the glass plate between the front and back seats - and I told the chauffeur that the man in the back was molesting me, he was a junkie! I was so horrified by what I said, so I flipped out by that, that I jumped out of the car into the path of oncoming traffic, certain that my head would be crushed. All that happened was that I got bruised, badly bruised, but no broken bones. I mean, I was conscious, not destroyed at all. But I'd done such a terrible thing! I couldn't reconcile that. I had been about to explode. The hotel people came out, and they and Bobby carried me in. I had to pretend I was unconscious because I couldn't comprehend the fact that I had tried to get him busted, to hurt him seriously. He was the only person I had ever gotten violent about. I take whatever violence comes into my system much more heavily on myself than on anyone else. But that was a pretty tight squeeze. I really craved making love to him. (describing a fight with her lover, Bob Neuwirth.)

43. But I really, since I exist, at all, I believe that it's possible for people...I've lived through impossible situations. So I believe in it. I just believe, and that's the magic...That's the whole thing, you talk about magic that there's to believe in, and it is there. But most people don't really believe in it. And I refuse, like, since I'm still alive and done the things I've done and seen things and understood things as far as I have, and I am alive, I mean physically intact. When I shouldn't be, according to medical reports and so forth. I mean I should be, not here. That's all there is to it. So the magic's working and it's a rare situation.

44. I'm afraid of habit patterns...It would be too much of a routine if you had to establish definite ways of getting through things. You'd get very bored.

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Jennifer Lopez Date Of Birth

Many people wonder about when is Jennifer Lopez's date of birth.

Jennifer Lopez -well known by her nickname J.Lo -was born on July 24th, 1969.

It is hard to beleive that Jennifer Lopez is now 43 years old! Don't you think?

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Lita Ford Divorce

For those who haven't heard of Lita Ford, Ford is a British-born, American-raised rock guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter, who was the lead guitarist for "The Runaways" in the late 1970s before embarking on a successful solo career in the 1980s.

It has to be noted that Lita Ford had an awful divorce but let's take things from the very beginning... 

Lita Ford started dating former Nitro vocalist Jim Gillette in 1994. The pair were married after knowing each other for only two weeks. They have two sons, James and Rocco Gillette. The family moved to Turks and Caicos, where Gillette operated a successful building and real estate developing business.

In a February, 2011, radio interview, Ford acknowledged that she and Gillette were divorcing. The family were in negotiations for a reality TV show, tentatively titled: "The Gillettes: An Extreme American Family" on TLC. The couple's impending divorce ended any plans for the television show. In a March, 2011, interview on the Classic Rock Revisited website, Ford stated that she had taken a business trip to Los Angeles to tak about the reality show with TLC executives and came back home to find her husband and sons not speaking to her. She also claimed that her sons physically attacked her, encouraged by Gillette, which was when she made the decision to divorce him.

Lita Ford has even compared her marriage to ex-bandmate Jim Gillette to the tumultuous affair between Ike and Tina Turner  and believes her new lease of life is a gift from God because she survived.

Ford told Sleaz Roxx: "It really was like Ike and Tina, completely. It was incredibly awkward for me. I believe in working with your spouse, in supporting your spouse in whatever they want to do."

In a recent interview with Classic Rock Revisited, Lita discussed the reasons behind the divorce and her concerns for her children.

Lita revealed to Jeb Wright that she had become afraid of Gillette, who is a bodybuilder and martial artist. "Yes, he’s big and yes, he’s scary and it is real," Lita was quoted as saying. "There is nothing phony about him at all and I don’t like it. When you’re that big, and you’re that scary, then you need to pick on somebody your own size.

"I wanted to get a divorce because he was hurting me," Ford continued. "You see how big he is; it’s not right. I got an attorney and I asked her: "How do I get out of the house?" She said: "Wait until there is nobody around and then get your stuff and get out." I said: "I can’t leave my kids." I don’t know why, or how the hell he knew, but he knew I was going to try and take my kids and he wouldn’t let them out of his sight. He changed them. I don’t know what he said to them but right now my kids are scared to death of me." 

Speaking to Decibel magazine, Ford explained: "My kids (sons James and Rocco) are with their dad (Jim Gillette, former frontman of the band Nitro). There was a huge divorce that went down. Basically, he brainwashed them and took them from me - not legally, (but by saying): "Oh, you don’t want to go with Mommy, Mommy’s bad. Don’t go with Mommy."

Ford tells that her life is massively different from when she released 2009′s "Wicked Wonderland", which she now describes as "more of a Jim album".

Lita Ford has a song on her new album written to her kids - but her former bandmate husband won’t let them hear it.

"Living Like A Runaway" is her first record since divorcing from Jim Gillette, a prominent force in her comeback release "Wicked Wonderland". 

It has to be mentioned that there is one track, called "Mother", which is a personal message to her two sons with Gillette - and Ford is worried they’ll never be allowed to hear it.

Ford revealed: "My kids are with their dad. He brainwashed them and took them from me, telling them: "Oh, you don’t want to go with Mommy. Mommy’s bad." He put the entire weight of the divorce on my kids, which is the worst thing any parent could do to their child.

"It’s like losing your child to some sort of freak, like in the mall, or somebody hanging out in bushes or at a bus stop. You hear all these horror stories. Only, I know where they are - that’s the only difference" Ford added.

Talking about the track she wrote for her children, Ford says: "He won’t let them hear it. He won’t let them have anything to do with me. He won’t let them look at any photographs. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened in my life.

Ford says her older son James has a knack for guitar. She explains: "We did this tour in 2008. They didn’t go to school - I was their teacher. When we came back from these shows I was in the other room and I heard my guitar solos coming out. First thing I thought was: "They’re listening to a tape or a performance on YouTube." But it was James - he was playing my solos. I couldn’t believe it.

"I bought him a gold-top Gibson Les Paul for his tenth birthday. My ex-husband was saying: "He doesn’t want that. You’re buying that for yourself." And I said: "No, I’m buying it because he’s going to play it." Sure enough, he picked it up and he was playing the solo to "Close My Eyes For Ever". It blew me away."

Reflecting on her situation, Ford claims the biggest lesson she’s learned is: "If you ever get angry at your spouse, don’t take it out on your kids. Keep them out of it. They don’t need to know. Just let them be a kid." 

Source: Classicrock.magazine.com
and Classic Rock Revisited.

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Pat Benatar Quotes

1. Most chick singers say: "If you hurt me, I'll die"... I say: "If you hurt me, I'll kick your ass."

2. If at any moment of the day I ever think I'm remotely cool at all, which is hardly ever, I have two daughters who make sure that never happens.

3. You shouldn't have to pay for your love with your bones and your flesh.

4. Before I put another notch in my lipstick case, you better make sure you put me in my place.

5. Love and pain become one in the same in the eyes of a wounded child.

6. With the power of conviction, there is no sacrifice.

7. You don't want to trash what you've done; that's your history.

8. People's lives change dramatically over such a long time period, and I think that if you're still vital, and you're still interested in writing and things like that, of course your music evolves and reflects where you are in your life.

9. I don't care who's on the label, because I have a job to do.

10. Everything must change, everything must move forward.

11. I wasn't a visionary but I literally had my finger on the pulse of the women of America.

12. I never looked at people or singing as commodities.

13. I like Lady Gaga because I like that she pushes the envelope.

14. I love Katy Perry, she is a wonderful pop singer.

15. First of all, I'm pretty private about my personal life.

16. When you have girl children they torture you!

17. When the first record came out, I'd go down to radio stations pretty much every day to get the record played, and I would walk in and they'd tell us how much they loved the record, but they weren't sure how much they could play it because they were already playing a girl.

18. But the soul of touring and the heart of it is basically every day is like putting up a circus tent.

19. It's amazing hearing her... How many of these little untalented pop tarts can't really sing.

20. We can't afford to be innocent, stand up and face the enemy. It's a do or die situation, we will be invincible.

21. I've enjoyed every age I've been, and each has had its own individual merit. Every laugh line, every scar, is a badge I wear to show I've been present, the inner rings of my personal tree trunk that I display proudly for all to see. Nowadays, I don't want a "perfect" face and body; I want to wear the life I've lived.

22. The great times were never as great as they seem in the rearview mirror.

23. A kid named Joey lived across the street from me once, and he'd push snow in my face before school. I could never do anything about it, because I was a girl and real small. But after about a week, I got real pissed off. So I had two friends hold him on a slide. Then I punched his teeth out.

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Joan Jett Plastic Surgery

Joan Jett, 54, is an 80’s rock icon that has retained her  signature black locks and her youthful appearance. So, many people wonder: "How cool would Joan Jett be without plastic surgery?"

Joan may have succumbed to the Hollywood pressure to be forever young and gone under the surgeon's knife for a nose job (rhinoplasty) or two that has left her with an unusually shaped nose.

Joan Jett is rumored to have had some facial surgery.  She’s said to have had nose surgery several times, cheek implants, veneers and may also have had a face lift and botox. She’s never had any weight gain problems (she's a hardcore vegan!) so she won’t need a tummy tuck, liposuction or gastric band.

The question is: "What plastic surgeon experts reveal about Joan Jett's plastic surgery?"

OcBody Plastic Surgeon Dr John Di Saia claims: "Joan looks like she’s had her nose done at least a few times. She looks like she has some normal aging changes to her face so she’s likely not had much more done there.."

According to Paul S. Nassif, a Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Rhinoplasty Specialist in Beverly Hills, California:  " Joan Jett has surely had a rhinoplasty. Her tip is much more defined than it once was, and the bridge is slightly narrower.  She may have had a facelift at some point, which is evident when she smiles. Facial fillers are not out of the question either, and it is likely she has had some Botox in the forehead as well."

Manhattan plastic surgeon Dr David Shafer states: "Joan Jett does not look like she has gone through any major transforming plastic surgery.  She does look like she would benefit from a lower skin only blepharoplasty and Botox Cosmetic to her crow’s feet."

In addition to a possible nose job, Joan may also use Botox to keep wrinkles away.

Plastic surgeon Dr Sherrell J Aston is quoted as saying:  "In my opinion it appears that Ms. Jett has had Botox treatments to her brow area. I think that she looks great and is aging well."

It has to be noted that plastic surgeons advise Joan (if she wants to further enhance her youthful appearance) to think about a touch more Botox in her crow’s feet region and a lower eyelid surgery.

Conclusion: Joan Jett looks very good for her age and more "natural" than a lot of other celebrities who have had plastic surgery and now have absolutely no facial expression at all. Jett is certainly not a plastic surgery addict.

What do you think of Joan Jett's plastic surgery?

Photo credit: Getty Images

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Raquel Welch Plastic Surgery

For those who don't know Raquel Welch, Welch was more best known as a sex icon than an actress. The statuesque star was one of the most famous celebrities of the 1960s and 1970s. Now she is 72 years old, but still has glowing and shining skin and sparkling personality.

Many people wonder: "Did Raquel Welch go under the knife to maintain her beauty?"

Welch has long denied having any kind of plastic surgery procedure. Instead she attributes her youthful looks to strict diet and rigorous exercise

It has to be mentioned that Raquel Welch appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show and she openly stated that she never had plastic surgery. On the other hand, she shared her secret of her youthful appearance with the audience, which is yoga, a perfect diet and three hours of makeup in the morning.

In detail, Welch is doing two hours of yoga, weight training and cardio exercise for six times a week to maintain her look and beautiful shape. She even wrote a book named "The Raquel Welch Total Beauty and Fitness Program" which includes a Health Yoga and fitness program and beauty and personal style in 1984.

"I’m constantly on a diet, and I hate it," was quoted as saying Welch, who follows a high-protein, low-carb diet with lots of organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.

"I have three fruits a day and lots of water," Welch continued. "I love bread, pancakes, and burritos, and pizza. But I have to stick to the diet, because it makes me look and feel better."

Many people who knew personally Raquel Welch (real name: Jo Raquel Tejada) claim that Raquel has absolutely had her nose done, although it was not unattractive before. Her nose seems absolutely stronger now and the tip was shortened a little. She was always well endowed, and had a great figure, but through the years she has had at least a breast lift and possibly got breast implants as well. She has obviously had a face lift in later years.

There are many people who insist that Welch had a nose job before arriving in Hollywood...

Welch has long been rumored to have had breast augmentation, nose job and facelift. In addition, plastic surgeons speculate she may also have had a browlift as well as a possible upper and lower eyelid surgery. To maintain her youthful appearance, she may also use fillers like Restylane and Juvederm or possible fat grafting in addition to Botox or Dysport.

It has to be noted that Welch has denied having breast implants at least four times (in January 1970 Playboy magazine interview, once in 1974, another time in 1977 and 2005)

The question is: "What plastic surgeon experts estimate about Raquel Welch's plastic surgery?"

On his blog celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn reveals: "I think she’s not being truthful. Her forehead hardly moves, likely frozen by a good amount of Botox or Dysport. Her brows are nicely elevated, possibly from a browlift. She shows none of the excess skin and puffiness of a 72 year old woman. I believe she’s also undergone an upper and lower blepharoplasty. Her cheeks and lips are full, likely from a filler like fat grafting. Her neckline is way too sharp for a person her age who hasn’t had a facelift. Finally, her nose looks overly chiseled, likely from at least one reduction rhinoplasty. If her looks are solely due to Yoga, diet, and makeup, then I’m one of Tiger Woods’ mistresses."

Paul S. Nassif, a Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Rhinoplasty Specialist in Beverly Hills, California claims: "Raquel Welch looks a great deal younger than her actual age. She appears to have had a facelift, browlift, fillers, and Botox. The work was performed fairly conservatively, and her look is not too overdone." 

Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer states: "Raquel Welch does look fantastic for 72 years young.  She certainly knows the benefits of botox and how a smooth and wrinkle free forehead can really give you a younger look to your appearance.  Her eyes and brows seem to have defied gravity probably with the help of a Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) and a Browlift."

Conclusion: With or without plastic surgery Raquel Welch is very beautiful!

What do you think of Raquel Welch's plastic surgery?

Photo credit: Getty Images

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